Sunday, January 30, 2011

Arrived safely in the UK

For those of you wondering, I will not be able to evaluate scones, cupcakes or British art in the short 12HOUR layover at Heathrow.{reference to mindthegap blog}.  An uneventful flight from the US to the UK actually I boarded the flight on Virgin Atlantic and a lovely stewardess with a british accent asked me if she could convert my seat to a bed so I did and slept 5 hours, woke up , had breakfast and arrived. I watched no movies but one episode of The Big Bang with the Lord of the Rings ring, very funny.

I have checked in the VA lounge, had some breakfast and a shower. Scheduled a massage for this afternoon and am watching Andy Murray losing the Australian Open, the Brits are NOT happy.

Will chat later . TTFN

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The start of 31 hours of travel

I will be the first to admit that my typing skills have a bit to be desired so any typos or grammatical errors should be ignored because you probably knew what I meant anyway.  This is not Jaclyn's blog where grammar counts.
I have arrived at Port Columbus on time and my first flight is delayed by 40 minutes, oh well. I have planned this trip for quite sometime now and am really looking forward to it.  I will spend 8 days in Kenya then 7 in Tanzania with a professional wildlife photographer Paul Renner on Safari. We will be visiting Ndutu,  Lake Nakuru, Masai Mara , the Serengeti, Ngorongoro crater and Amboseli.

I should arrive if all goes well in Nairobi Kenya on Monday, a country that is less than 100 years old.  Seems a bit paradoxical since it has been called the "birthplace of man" because anthropologists have identified the oldest bones related to mankind there.

I do not know if I will have internet access to post blogs daily but when I do I will keep you informed of my exploits. Will hopefully talk again soon.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Night Before

Tomorrow, I'll be off to Africa for 17 days on a photo safari in Tanzania and Kenya.  But today, I'm just writing a test post.